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Serving Tampa Bay
for over 20 years

Achieving first-rate outcomes with a fresh approach

Whether you need representation who will carefully guide you through the entire process or someone who’s no stranger to unleashing their inner bulldog when necessary, Busciglio Sheridan & Schoeb offers a team of highly adept attorneys for a wide range of cases — no matter how big or complex.


  • “Busciglio Sheridan & SCHOEB is an experienced law firm that you can trust. […] They are well respected within the legal community and will not leave any stone unturned to get your case settled in a positive light.”


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make the law interesting as we interview local luminaries and people of interest in the community about their “run ins” with the law.

Equal parts Punk Rock, Dirty Jokes, Current Events and Local Civics…If you are looking to listen, laugh, Rage Against the Machine or Fight the Power, this podcast is for you.

Our blog

Legal insights from Busciglio, Sheridan, & Schoeb.


Schedule a Legal Consultation

Phone: (813) 225-2695
Fax: (813) 868-3695

3302 N Tampa St
Tampa, FL 33603

3902 Henderson Blvd. Suite 204
Tampa, FL 33629

137 South Parsons Avenue
Brandon, Florida 33511

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